Agreement On Social Security Between The Government Of Australia And The Government Of New Zealand

With respect to Australia: apply or influence the laws that make up the Social Security Act, to the extent that these laws provide for the following benefits: wishing to strengthen existing friendly relations between the two countries when a person is included in the super or veteran pension of his partner as an unqualified partner, the amount of the Australian benefit or pension is deducted from his payment. , and the rest of New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran Pension will be split equally between the two of you. Subject to this agreement, if that person is entitled to a benefit under New Zealand Social Security law (including a person who is entitled to pay the benefit under paragraph 1 or Article 7 or both), if the payment of that benefit is conditional on attendance in New Zealand, that person is deemed to be present in New Zealand for the purpose of paying this benefit. , if it is established in Australia, and either in Australia or New Zealand. calculating that person`s income under the Australian Social Security Act, but in this calculation, without taking into account New Zealand`s benefits or benefits; In addition, the purpose of the agreement is to adapt and link the portability of payments in third countries to the portability rules of Australian social security legislation. The above agreement provides that a payment under the agreement is payable in a third country for a period of 26 weeks, whereas the Social Security Act provides that payment of care outside Australia is payable for six weeks and that the disability pension is normally payable for four weeks over a 12-month period. DESERS to amend and replace the social security agreement, adopted in Wellington on September 7, 1995 and July 2, 1998, as amended, the amounts that the competent institution of one of the contracting parties deducted or received in accordance with paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 are transferred to the other relevant institution, pursuant to Article 21, of the administrative arrangements agreed in accordance with Article 21. In certain circumstances, work and income may apply to other governments, from which you can benefit from a similar benefit or pension. This period of stay in New Zealand of working age is considered to be a period during which this person was established in Australia only for the purpose of completing the minimum waiting periods provided by the Australian Social Security Act. Any information transmitted to a competent institution under this agreement is protected in the same way as information obtained under the recipient`s social security law. “Australian resident” has the meaning given to this term in the Australian Social Security Act, but for the purposes of the agreement, a New Zealand national who does not hold a permanent Australian visa but legally resides in Australia is also included.

In deciding whether a person resides in Australia, the following factors must be taken into account: If you receive a New Zealand pension, you must recover that pension if you move permanently between Australia and New Zealand. The Social Security Act 1999 (Law) implements all social security agreements between Australia and another country relating to social security reciprocity or aging when the text of the agreement is set out in a statutory timetable.