Writers Guild of America Basic Agreement Minimum Scale

The Writers Guild of America Basic Agreement Minimum Scale: What Writers Need to Know

If you`re a writer in the entertainment industry, chances are you`ve heard of the Writers Guild of America (WGA). The WGA is a labor union that represents writers in film, television, and new media. The organization negotiates collective bargaining agreements with producers and studios, which set the minimum rates and working conditions for writers.

One of the most important agreements that the WGA negotiates is the Basic Agreement Minimum Scale (BAMS). This agreement sets the minimum rates that writers must be paid for their work. It also establishes other important protections for writers, such as health and pension benefits, residuals, and creative rights.

So, what exactly is the BAMS and how does it affect writers?

The BAMS is a comprehensive agreement between the WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which represents the major studios and networks. The agreement covers a wide range of topics, including minimum rates of pay, compensation for overtime, penalties for late payment, and contributions to health and pension plans.

For example, under the 2020-2021 BAMS, the minimum weekly salary for a writer working on a half-hour episodic series is $28,337. For a one-hour episodic series, the minimum weekly salary is $40,408. These rates increase over the life of the contract, reflecting cost-of-living adjustments.

The BAMS also sets minimums for feature films, made-for-television movies, and new media projects. In addition to minimum salaries, the agreement establishes rules for credit arbitration, creative rights, and residual payments.

One of the most important aspects of the BAMS is that it is a collective bargaining agreement. This means that writers have the power to negotiate with studios and producers as a group, rather than individually. This gives writers greater leverage in negotiating fair rates and working conditions.

Another important feature of the BAMS is that it includes protections for writers in the event of a strike. The WGA has a long history of strikes and work stoppages, and the BAMS includes provisions for strike pay, health benefits, and the protection of a writer`s residuals during a strike.

In conclusion, the Writers Guild of America Basic Agreement Minimum Scale is a vital agreement for writers in the entertainment industry. It sets minimum rates of pay and establishes important protections for writers, such as health and pension benefits, residuals, and creative rights. By negotiating as a collective, writers have the power to ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work and have the necessary support in the event of a strike.